

cysgjj 2024-09-09 25
饮食健康英语作文五句话,饮食健康英语作文五句话怎么写摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于饮食健康英语作文五句话的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍饮食健康英语作文五句话的解答,让我们一起看看吧。《健康的饮食习惯》英语...


  1. 《健康的饮食习惯》英语作文?
  2. 英语作文饮食健康400词?


《健康的饮食习惯》英语作文:eat healthy

It is very important to eat healthy since what we eat is directly related to our health.


The obesity rate of children and ***s has increased dramatically over the past decade and much of it is due to eating unhealthy foods.

Junk food like candy, soda and the such are mass-produced with harmful chemicals in them that damages your health after being ingested.

Along with obesity and just the simple fact of not eating healthy come many illnesses like diabetes that can shorten life expectancy exponentially.


Drinks like soda also eat away at your teeth and is extremely high in sugar, which causes arteries to become blocked.

Not eating healthy can also stunt growth and does not le***e you with a good form. Therefore, if you want to h***e a longer and healthier life then eating healthy is very crucial.


Good reasonably healthy eating habits is an important aspect of health care, can make the body healthy growth and development; poor eating habits will be infected with the disease in the body's normal physiological function disorder. On the contrary, proper diet can help the body to restore health. On the basis of the medicine on the world different ethnic dining posture studies showed that, the seat the most scientific and stance times, squatting it is most appropriate. So you h***e to learn a healthy diet.良好合理健康饮食习惯是保健的一个重要方面,可使身体健康地生长、发育;不良的饮食习惯则会导致人体正常的生理功能紊乱而感染疾病。相反,恰当的饮食对疾病会起到治疗作用,帮助人体恢复健康。根据医学上对世界各地不同民族用餐姿势研究表明,坐位最科学,站姿次之,蹲着最不宜。所以大家要学会健康饮食~




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